Demographic Change and Urbanization – Challenges & Solutions

How to solve the challenges of the future. About the important role of the construction industry.
Megatrends: Demographic Change & Urbanization
The megatrends “demographic change” and “urbanization” will bring even greater challenges in the future. The population will grow from today 7,6 to almost 10 billion people in 2050. 70 % of them will live in cities.

While in Europe, America and Oceania the population will remain almost the same, it will increase rapidly in Asia and Africa. By 2100, Asia and Africa will account for over 80% of the world’s population.

This also leads to a change in the megacities. Today, the world’s largest cities are in America and Asia, and in the future they will be in Africa and Asia. The following graph shows the megacities today (green) and in 2100 (yellow). Most of these cities will be located in Africa and much larger than today’s megacities.

Source: Global Cities Institute Working Paper No. 04, University of Toronto
Global Challenges
These megatrends and the rapid growth of cities will bring enormous challenges. Following has to be solved and provided:
Construction Sector as Solution Provider
The construction sector is playing a very essential role to be a solution provider for these challenges. Growing from 7.2 to 10 trillion dollar in 2020, the industry is counting 15 % of the global BIP. Construction will therefore be one of the most important industries in a dual perspective.
The construction industry will be the solution provider for
Umdasch Group Ventures is thinking about solutions for the future. We are developing new innovations to deliver answers to the burning questions and want to contribute significantly to these social and global challenges.
One of our answer is the recently launched NEULANDT 3P – Your Portable Precast Plant. 3P is a mobile field factory which enables us to mass produce affordable houses anywhere in the world.

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